Department of Geriatric Nursing
Department of Geriatric Nursing


Submissions of abstracts for WIVAM 2024 are now OPEN
We are inviting medical students, PhD students and resident physicians working in the vascular and endovascular field to submit abstracts to be considered for in-person presentations in the WIVAM 2024 Programme, December 7th

Guidelines for submitting an abstract:

  • Abstract submission is open to medical students, PhD students and resident physicians working in the vascular and endovascular field.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • Abstracts should be of a clinical or research nature. Case reports and systematic reviews of medical literature are accepted as well.
  • •    Abstracts can refer to innovation in technology in a defined clinical context but should not contain logos, brand or device names.
  • A maximum of 8 authors for each abstract are allowed
  • Each presenter may submit no more than 3 abstracts 
  • The abstract(s) must be submitted by October 31st 2024 (23:55 CEST)
  • All contributions will be reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee
  • Acceptance will be notified on November 10th 2024 at the latest.
  • All presenting authors will have complimentary registration for WIVAM 2024.
  • Kindly note that the submitting person receives all notifications about the abstract via e-mail.
  • The intended presenting author cannot be changed after the acceptance of the abstract.
  • Editing of abstracts after the submission deadline is not possible. Once an abstract has been accepted and the submitting author notified, corrections may be made to typographical errors only.
  • The abstract file must be sent to the following e-mail address by October 31st 2024 (23:55 CEST):
  • Both the Warsaw International Vascular Meeting Organizing Committee and the Medical University of Warsaw reserve the right to publish accepted abstracts and make mention of the work in any other publications, including print and online.


  • The abstract file should contain the following content: abstract title, abstract text, name and surname of the presenting author, names and surnames of the co-authors, affiliations of the presenting author and all of the co-authors.
  • Abstract title should avoid abbreviations and be under 350 characters.
  • Abstract text should not exceed 4000 characters including spaces.
  • The abstract must be structured to include the following five sections: background, aims, methods, results and conclusions.
  • The case report must consist of 3 parts: background, case report, conclusions
  • The structure of an abstract of a systematic review is arbitrary
  • Use standard abbreviations where appropriate in the main body of the abstract. Place special or unusual abbreviations in brackets after the full word the first time they appear. Drugs must be referred to by their approved name rather than their proprietary name.
  • No references can be included.
  • The abstract is to be written in MS Word or another popular text editor.
  • The abstract is not allowed to contain grids, graphs nor picture images.
  • The abstract file must be sent to the following e-mail address by October 31st 2024 (23:55 CEST):

Topic Areas:

All accepted abstracts will be assigned to one of the following sessions:

  • Aorta and iliac arteries.
  • Carotids and Vascular Access
  • Peripheral Arterial Disease and Diabetic Foot
  • Veins, Lymphatics, Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism

By sending an e-mail with an abstract, please suggest the session in which you would like to present, but please be aware that the final decision on assigning the abstract to a session rests with the WIVAM 2024 organizing committee.

Instructions for Oral Communication Preparation

  • Presentations intended for oral communication must be brought to the Conference by the presenting author at least one hour before the start of the session in which the abstract will be presented and should not be sent earlier by post.
  • Please state the title, the authors and their affiliations on the title slide.
  • Participants will have 7 minutes to present their oral communication, with additional 2 minutes for answering the questions.

If you have any queries regarding the abstract submission process, please contact us by sending us an e-mail: